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Keeping Loved Ones Safe and Engaged From a Distance

Centre Region Active Adult Center - Nittany Mall 2901 E College Ave Suite #990, State College, PA, United States
Hybrid Hybrid Event

This ACAP program will assist participants in developing long-distance knowledge about and skills to:
1) Compile and manage parental records before an emergency occurs;
2) Recognize the signs of depression, neglect and/or abuse;
3) Put in place strategies for making home visits and long-distance contacts more productive;
4) Research and manage technology and other resources to enhance parents’ safety and engagement
in their home community; and
5) Evaluate the need for new or changes in in-home, residential-care and/or community support


Strategies for Effectively Managing Medications (plus an ice cream social)

Centre Region Active Adult Center - Nittany Mall 2901 E College Ave Suite #990, State College, PA, United States
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

This ACAP program will assist participants to demonstrate knowledge about:
1) The relationship between aging, missed medications, medication errors and non-compliance;
2) Strategies for assessing a parent’s physical, mental and environmental risk factors for missed
medications, medication errors, and non-compliance; and
3) Specific and practical tips for preventing missed medications, medication errors, and non-
compliance in the home and in the community.


The Juggling Act: Work, Home, and Caregiving

First Baptist Church Activities Center 1939 Independence Blvd, Wilmington, NC, United States
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

Become more educated about trends relative to working while also providing care for an aging parent, supportive workplace policies, and strategies for balancing the many demands of working outside the home while also caring for one’s family and older loved ones.


The Juggling Act: Work, Home and Caregiving

Senior Resources of Guilford 1401 Benjamin Parkway, Greensboro, NC, United States
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

Learn how to balance the many roles of caregiving, family, home, work and one's own health and wellbeing.


Medicaid 101: Know if you Qualify (Join us for pizza!)

Centre Region Active Adult Center - Nittany Mall 2901 E College Ave Suite #990, State College, PA, United States
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

Participants will gain knowledge regarding Medicaid eligibility requirements and services. They will learn: (1) how to access federal Medicaid websites to complete eligibility paperwork and download the current year's Medicaid manual; (2) how to access city, county, or state websites and phone numbers to complete Medicaid eligibility paperwork; and (3) how to determine health and medical professionals accepting coverage and seek answers to questions.


What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You: Prevalent Age-Related Health and Medical Conditions

First Baptist Church Activities Center 1939 Independence Blvd, Wilmington, NC, United States
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

We are all living longer, and, as we age, we are more likely to experience one or more significant health and medical conditions. Learn about the most prevalent conditions associated with aging, risk factors, symptoms, and strategies for adult-children who are helping manage conditions of their parents while also addressing their own health concerns.


Running on Empty: Caregiver Compassion Fatigue

Senior Resources of Guilford 1401 Benjamin Parkway, Greensboro, NC, United States
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

Caregiving can be both rewarding and stressful. Care providers will learn about the signs and impact of compassion fatigue and strategies for managing and reducing these stresses.


Supporting a Loved One After Hospitalization

Centre Region Active Adult Center - Nittany Mall 2901 E College Ave Suite #990, State College, PA, United States
Virtual Event Hybrid Event Home after hospitalizations can be overwhelming for older adults to manage and may require additional help from their family.This program will help adult-children understand the components of discharge planning […]
