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  9. 2.4.2 Components and Cadence of ACAP Program Publicity

2.4.2 Components and Cadence of ACAP Program Publicity

ACAPcommunity Digital Marketing Team develops and sends all digital marketing for chapters. In addition to digital marketing, chapter Leadership Team members are encouraged to:

  • Continually identify and update new prospective attendees and other stakeholders listed below
  • Forward emails and flyers to personal and professional networks
  • Like and Follow all chapter social media
  • Share social media posts with your personal and professional networks
  • Initiate new chapter-related posts to your Facebook and LinkedIn Pages

Chapter Web Page

Welcome new chapter banner

Added to ACAP website home page within one week of receiving Chapter Establishment Fee

Chapter web page

Live one week after receiving:

  • Chapter name
  • LT member names & employers
  • Chapter mailing address
  • Chapter venue address
  • Day/time of programs
  • Chapter phone number
  • Core & Chapter Sponsor names & links

Update cadence

  • Within one week of receiving updates to Programming Submission Form
  • Updates include:
    • Detailed program information on the ACAP chapter page
    • Upcoming programs featured on the ACAPcommunity home page


Designed and sent by ACAPcommunity Digital Marketing Team

  • All email addresses are in MailChimp, tagged per chapter
  • Individuals can be added to chapter email list via chapter web page “Join Our Email List”


  • Audience #1 – Attendees/prospective attendees (6 emails are sent):
    • 3 weeks before the program
    • 1 week before the program
    • 2 days before the program
    • The morning of the program
    • 1 hour before the program
    • Thank you note several days after the program
      • Sent several days later, after chapter provides names and email addresses of unregistered program attendees (walk-ins)
      • Thank you email contains “thank you for attending,” link to program video, program feedback survey, and info about next month’s program
  • Audience #2 – Media contacts
    • Press releases sent 3-4 weeks prior to program
  • Audience #3 – Businesses, agencies, organizations, HR offices, faith communities, etc.
    • Receive flyers 3 weeks prior to program


Social Media (Facebook and LinkedIn)

  • Established 2 months before chapter launch
  • Updated once monthly with upcoming program information
    • Leadership Teams are encouraged to continually share with personal and professional networks

Program Flyers – Suitable for Printing or Sharing Digitally

Individual program flyers

Chapters receive flyers for the following month’s program two days before the preceding month’s program.

  • Please note that in order to receive flyers in time, chapters must have all information about the following month’s program entered on the Program Submission Form at least one week prior to the preceding program.

6-month and 12-month list of programs

Information must be submitted via the Program Submission Form before schedules can be developed. Information needed is:

  • Program name
  • Module/program number
  • Date of program
  • Presenter name and credentials (PhD, MD, MSW, RN, etc.); short bio, if available
  • Sponsors for the program (if applicable)

Press Releases

  • Press releases are provided to the chapter 3-4 weeks prior to the program
  • Information is taken from Program Submission Form so must be submitted 5-6 weeks prior to the program


A monthly ACAP email newsletter will be sent to all contacts on the email database. The newsletter will feature the following information:

  • List of upcoming programs for each chapter with links to RSVP
  • Featured videos of any recorded programs from the previous month