Digital Marketing

Social Media

Each chapter has a Facebook page and a LinkedIn page that will be used for all program announcements and livestreams (when applicable). The pages are created for any new chapter, and the chapter coordinators are added as co-administrators for the page.

ACAP has a universal YouTube channel that is used by all chapters for broadcasting their livestreams or sharing any recorded programs.

Chapters are asked to provide the Facebook and LinkedIn names/profiles for all chapter coordinators that would need administrative access to their pages.

Email Marketing

Each chapter has an email address database that is used for all marketing and communication efforts. These addresses have been gathered from RSVPs or attendance at past programs or from sign-up forms on the chapter’s web page. As new email addresses are collected by the chapter, those can be sent in to have them added to their database, or they can be entered directly in the sign-up form on the chapter web page.

Chapters are asked to provide any email addresses collected through in-person program attendance or other solicited addresses so they can be added to the marketing database.

Website Program Publishing

Monthly programs are published on the chapter’s web page once the pertinent information has been added to the Program Submission Form.

The Program Submission Form needs to include the date/time of the program, program title, a description of the program content, the speaker’s name(s), and a short 1–2-line biography for each, and a listing of any sponsors for the event and their website addresses.

Once that information has been included in the spreadsheet and color-coded to indicate it is ready to publish, the program will be added to the chapter’s web page within one week.


Each program on a chapter’s web page features an RSVP button for attendees to click and provide their name and email address.

By filling out the RSVP form, the attendee will then be added to the ACAP marketing email database (if they were not in the database already) and will receive all upcoming reminders of this program as well as all future chapter programs.

Chapter Coordinators can view, export, and/or print real-time RSVPs for any program through the Program Submission Form.

Print-Ready Flyers

Once a program has been published on the ACAP chapter’s web page, a print-ready flyer for the program will be created and sent to Chapter Coordinators. This flyer contains all of the same information featured in the program’s online posting. The flyer is in PDF format and can easily be printed and distributed, posted on social media channels, or can be sent as attachments via email messages.

Email Announcements

Three weeks prior to a scheduled program, email invitations will start being sent to all addresses on the chapter’s email database. The email includes all of the same information that is available on the website or on the printed flyers and provides links to allow respondents to RSVP for the program on the website.

There are a total of five (5) emails sent beginning three weeks before the program through the actual date of the program.

There is also a “thank you” email that is sent to all participants within three days after the program date, provided that the chapter sends in email addresses that were gathered in-person from people that attended the program without having submitted an RSVP.


If a chapter chooses to livestream their program on their Facebook page, LinkedIn page, or through the ACAP YouTube channel, they will be provided access to the online service StreamYard.

The ACAP StreamYard account will be set up with the upcoming program livestream listing three weeks before the program date. This livestream will also appear as an event post on the chapter’s Facebook and LinkedIn pages that viewers will be able to use to view the event on the program date.

Our team is available during the day of the program, at least one hour in advance of the program, for technical assistance in setting up the livestream or to troubleshoot any connection issues.

Publicizing Programs

Chapters have the following resources to help promote their monthly programs:

  • Event Website Posting with RSVP. A link to this program event can be shared via email messages or personal social media postings to encourage awareness and participation.
  • Print-ready program flyer. These flyers can be printed and posted in places where they would be seen by potential attendees. The digital version of the flyer can also be sent as an attachment to personal email messages or added as an image on a social media post.
  • Facebook and LinkedIn Event Posting. Each chapter’s page would have an event created for their upcoming program.  These events should be shared across individuals’ personal Facebook or LinkedIn page to grow their potential audience and encourage attendance.


For any assistance on digital marketing efforts, please contact Karen Summey, ACAPcommunity Project Manager, at ksummey@acapcommunity.org, or 828-855-8900.