ACAP Program Sponsorships

Sponsorship Teams assume leadership for identifying, securing, and informing Program Sponsors as to their role, expectations, etc., but the entire Leadership Team can be helpful in surfacing appropriate businesses, agencies, and organizations for sponsorship. 

Sponsorship Teams strive to secure 2-3 Program Sponsors per program to provide:

  • Local resources for program attendees
  • Opportunities for businesses, agencies, and organizations to connect with those they serve
  • Funding to offset program expenses and ongoing support for the chapter

Note:  Although all the following material will need to be updated and personalized for your chapter, the following pages provide:

Program Sponsor Initial Packet – These are the pieces the Sponsorship Teams send businesses, agencies, and organizations as you invite them to be a Program Sponsor. You want them to fully understand what it means to be a sponsor. This information will provide all the details they need to make a decision about sponsorship or to plan for their sponsorship. The initial packet includes:

  • Become an ACAP Sponsor
  • ACAP Guiding Principles
  • Program Sponsorship Commitment
  • Program Schedule
  • Program Sponsorship Details

Program Sponsorship Follow-Up – You will send this to each Program Sponsor 1 to 1-1/2 weeks before the program

  • If your sponsors are providing refreshments, you also will want to make sure your sponsors coordinate their refreshments. Experience has shown that sending an email to all sponsors specifically about refreshments, asking them to keep you in the loop as they plan, will help. 
  • In addition, it is helpful to have a cell number for at least one person per sponsor (the person who will attend the program) in case there is a last-minute need to be in touch.

Attendance & Refreshment Update – A couple of days before your program, you will update all sponsors as to the number anticipated at the program so they may prepare display materials and, if appropriate, refreshments. Again, if your sponsors are providing refreshments, they should be finalizing those details by this time. If you are not aware of what each sponsor is bringing, ask for details.