2.3.5 Programming Team – DRAFT V2

2.3.5 Programming Team

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Programming Team Overview

The Programming Team coordinates monthly program topics and presenters, using ACAP curriculum as a framework:

  • With input from the chapter Leadership Team, determines chapter programs
  • Identifies and secures program presenters and provides them with pertinent information
  • Updates program and presenter details on Program Submission Form (https://www.acapcommunity.org/events/community/list + chapter login)
  • Shares presenter details in a timely manner with Sponsorship Team and other Leadership Team members
  • Secures Presenter Authorization Form regarding digital platforms
  • Sends “thank you” note to presenters
  • Ensures back-up program in case needed last-minute

Primary Tasks

  1. Assume the lead on determining the programs your chapter will offer
  2. Identify and secure program presenters
  3. Add/update program/speaker details on the shared Program Submission Form
  4. Make sure all presenters receive Program Presenter Packet, including:
    • Date/time, venue location, format of program
    • Expected arrival (30-45 minutes before program begins to ensure slide deck/videos are ready)
    • ACAP expectations (Guiding Principles; presenters volunteer their time without compensation)
    • Program outline from the ACAP curriculum
    • Presenter Authorization Form (to be signed and returned to the Programming Team)
  5. Let presenter know anticipated attendance 1 to 1-1/2 weeks before the program so he/she may plan for handouts
  6. Exchange cell numbers with the presenter so you may contact each other in case there is need for last-minute contact
  7. Follow up 2-3 days before program if there are significant changes in expected attendance
  8. Send thank you note to presenter after the program
  9. Coordinate 1-2 back-up programs and speakers in case a presenter needs to cancel last-minute. Follow up with presenters 1 week before their program to reconfirm their program, ensure they have all needed information, and to share anticipated attendance
  10. Exchange phone/text numbers in case something arises, last-minute


Your Chapter’s First Six Programs

Beginning your chapter with strong programs and respected speakers is important to the future of your chapter.  New chapters begin with their first six months of programs completely finalized so they may distribute schedules to participants at chapter launch. 

Although there are lots of programs in the Curriculum, eight have proven to garner strong attendance, regardless of location.  For the sake of speakers, sponsors, attendees, and the Leadership Team, it is important for programs to have as high attendance as possible, particularly the first ones. For that reason, chapters’ first six programs come from the most popular programs, listed below. 

  1. Finding and Using Senior Services in Your Local Community (Program 1.1)
  2. Recognizing and Managing Anxiety and Depression in Older Adults (Program 1.2)
  3. Preventing Falls:  Helping Older Adults Stay Safe (Program 1.4)
  4. From Driving to Passenger:  Transitions for Older Adults (Program 2.2)
  5. Residential Options When Home No Longer Meets Your Parents’ Needs (Program 2.3)
  6. Alzheimer’s and Dementia (any of the programs in Module 3)
  7. Advance Planning: Your Parents’ Legal and Financial Documents (Program 4.1)
  8. Medicare and SHIP (Program 4.3)

While six of the programs from the above list will be offered during your chapter’s first six months, they do not need to be presented any particular order. Your first six months’ schedule will depend on your speakers’ schedules.

Prior to your chapter’s launch, ACAPcommunity will develop publicity (web, email, social media, press release, flyer) about each program as well as a flyer sharing the entire six-month schedule, suitable for printing so it may be distributed at your chapter launch and subsequent programs.

After your third program, you will begin planning the next six programs (or programs for the remainder of the year). Chapters are encouraged to offer the other two programs of the above eight, along with others in the ACAP curriculum, making sure you offer two programs per module each year.

Each program in the ACAP Curriculum has an outline, giving speakers a basic framework for the program. The outline, along with other materials, should be sent to the presenter. This lets your speaker know what you want them to cover during the program. Just so you know, providing an outline, rather than a “canned spiel” is intentional, allowing the speaker to provide the most up-to-date evidence-informed information, draw from her/his knowledge and experience, and interject one’s own personality.


Steps in Planning and Confirming Initial Programs

Planning ACAP programs is a bit like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. There are lots of people involved and multiple factors to consider. The following is the basic framework for putting together programs, including determining the program, securing presenters, engaging sponsors, and confirming fee payment. The entire process involves the Programming Team, Sponsorship Team, and Chapter Finance Team.

  1. With input from the Leadership Team, determine the six programs you prefer to offer for your initial months.
  2. Identify presenters for each.
  3. Send the Program Presenter packet, making sure you receive a signed Presenter Authorization Form (downloaded) from each speaker.
  4. Finalize speakers and schedule of first six programs.
    1. You may need to be patient. Coordinating six presenters’ schedules can be challenging!
  5. Complete the Program Submission Form for each program: https://www.acapcommunity.org/events/community/list
    • Once on the site, you will need to use your chapter’s login information to access your chapter’s registration list.  Your Chapter Coordinator has your chapter’s individual login information.
    • Once completely in the Program Submission Form, look in the upper left corner and find the “My Events” and the “Add New” button.  Click “Add New” button to go to the Program Submission Form.
  6. After all six programs are finalized, share the schedule with the Sponsorship Team so they may secure Program Sponsors for each program.
    • Often, sponsors will want to sponsor programs that are aligned with their business, agency, or organization.
    • Send the sponsorship packet.
  7. As sponsors are finalized (even if the sponsorship fee is not yet paid), the Sponsorship Team will go to the Program Submission Form (login above) and register sponsors.
  8. The Finance Team will confirm receipt of sponsorship fee payment on the Program Submission Form.
  9. Once all program and sponsor information is complete, your programs will be added to the website, and a six-month schedule will be developed and printed so you may distribute it at your chapter launch, future programs, and in other places you deem appropriate.


Sale of Books and Other Products – ACAP Policy

As a nonprofit, ACAP is focused on providing free education to the community. As such, chapters often receive requests to post materials on the web page; provide information or allow sales during a program; permit presenters to promote their business, sell books or other materials; etc.  There is a fine line between providing helpful resources versus helping someone sell products, services, or materials. Chapters may tactfully respond while maintaining ACAP’s integrity and mission.

So, what is allowable, and what is not? 

ACAP chapters have freedom within broader ACAPcommunity guidelines (that “protect the brand”) to make decisions that fit the individual community. These points are offered as a strategy for protecting the ACAP brand and a caution about “slippery slopes.” Make an exception for one author/speaker (or anyone else), and suddenly you have a free speech law suit against your chapter from a crusader with a book to sell.

  • ACAP presentation and publicity

ACAP presentations provide research-informed content to adult-children and others caring for older adults. ACAP programs are not a platform for speakers to present a “commercial” for their agency or products. The information must always be presented in a generic-educational format (e.g. “These are the legal documents everyone needs”, NOT “ABC Attorneys can handle all of your legal needs.”)

  • Program publicity

The presenter’s name, credentials, and employer will be included on program publicity via the chapter’s web page, emails, social media posts, press releases, and flyers.    

  • Book/other published material promotion and sales

On the occasion that a speaker is a published author, they will be permitted to promote and/or sell book(s) under these guidelines:

  1. It must be a book that they wrote.
  2. All titles must be in direct relation to the subject on which we asked them to speak. (Dr. Smith may only sell his book about Dementia, not the enthralling little travel guide about his trip down the Nile.)
  3. A chapter may set up only one table for book sales in a room outside of the main presentation space. The author may sell their book(s) only on the date of the event at which they are presenting. They may not bring their books to other meetings.
  4. The program facilitator (emcee) states that while we value the expertise of our (vetted) presenters, the chapter is not endorsing any particular services or products, including book(s) being sold. (Presenters understand these principles, and agree to speak within these guidelines, per the Speaker Agreement that they sign.)
  • Sale or promotion of other products:  Sales or promotion of other products or services, or efforts to sway program participants toward any particular viewpoint, are inappropriate. 

Exception: The US government provides free of charge, caption-based phones to qualifying persons with hearing deficits.  Chapters may promote this product but contact information for all area companies that provide this product must be provided, rather than directing participants to one particular agency. 


Additional Programming Considerations

  • After your chapter’s third program, you will begin developing Programs #7-12 (for the remainder of the calendar year). 
    • Programs #7-12 need to be finalized prior to Program #5, or Program #6 at the latest, so the schedule for the remainder of the year may be printed and distributed at Program #5 or #6 and future programs.
  • By October, chapters are encouraged to begin developing the following year’s programs so the following year’s schedule may begin to be distributed at your November and December programs.
  • When possible, use professionals who also are (or have been) adult-child caregivers.
  • ACAP speakers are not paid. However, your chapter may wish to provide a small gift ($15 max) to thank your speakers.
  • When securing speakers, be sure to convey ACAP’s Guiding Principles, including that product or service sales are prohibited at ACAP except by sponsors.
    • ACAP programs are to present evidence-informed information, not to be used as a commercial, advertisement, or attempt to persuade participants to purchase, choose, or perform any service, or use any product described by the presenter.  
  • Please make speakers aware that the ACAP database and/or participant information is used strictly for ACAP business and never shared with any other person or organization.
  • Meeting with potential speakers before scheduling them for their first ACAP presentation is always a good idea, particularly if you don’t know them or know how strong a presenter they are. 
  • Be sure you are familiar with details outlined on the Presenter Authorization Form and make sure speakers are aware of them. 
  • The “thank you” note sent to all program attendees will include a link for their providing feedback about the program.  You may find the feedback questions in the Program Feedback Survey. (Sample only; do not use this link.)

Selecting ACAP Presenters

Every community has a wealth of potential presenters for ACAP programs. We ask all chapters to:

  • Engage only one speaker from an organization within a 12-month period to help ensure participants gain a broad awareness of local resources.
  • Use, when possible, presenters who have firsthand knowledge of caregiving, especially adult-child caregiving for an aging parent.
  • Be intentional about engaging a diverse group of speakers each year. It is important that all caregivers feel represented among ACAP speakers.

A list of potential presenters can be found on Resources – Speakers, Sponsors, Publicity, and Leadership Team.


Return on Investment: ACAP Presenters

As a community-based, community-led, and collaborative program, ACAP could not exist without support from local businesses, agencies, and organizations. In addition, presenters provide not only important information, but also meaningful resources for program participants, also providing opportunities for the presenter’s organization to connect directly with those they serve.

While a direct relationship between a sponsor and return on investment is hard to quantify, direct connections include:

  • ACAP presenters receive widespread publicity in their community. A company name/logo is on all publicity and ACAP website, providing immediate access to the presenter’s organization.
  • Presenters have verified that they receive new business from ACAP sponsorship.
  • Residential facilities find that ACAP attendee family members don’t require as much staff time.

Presenter Materials

Once you have secured a speaker for your program, you will send a packet of materials, ensuring that the presenter has all needed details and that you have all the information you need. The initial packet of information sent to presenters consists of:

  1. Program Presenter Information – Providing information about ACAP, location of venue, date/time of program, program format, etc. 
  2. ACAP Guiding Principles
  3. ACAP Presenter Authorization Regarding Virtual/Hybrid/Integrated Programs
  4. Program Outline (from ACAP Curriculum)

You will need from each presenter:

  1. Signed ACAP Presenter Authorization Regarding Virtual/Hybrid/Integrated Programs
  2. Brief introduction of presenter to be used for publicity and introducing her/him during the program
  3. Phone/text number in the event of a last-minute change


Program Submission Form

As soon as a program and presenter are confirmed, the Programming Team is responsible for adding pertinent information to the Program Submission Form, a shared web document that is continually updated by the Programming Team, Sponsorship Team, and Finance Team to make sure publicity (website inclusion, emails, social media, flyers, etc.) may be developed for each program.  You will find the form at: https://www.acapcommunity.org/events/community/list.

To access the site, you will need to use your chapter’s login information.  Your Chapter Coordinator has your chapter’s individual login information.

Once on the site, in the upper left corner, look for “My Events” and the “Upcoming Events” button for programs already entered on the form. For new events (not yet entered), click the “Add New” button. Update the sponsorship information for the program.

The Programming Team will update the following information about each program:

  1. Month of program
  2. Date/time of program
  3. Module/Program – Based on ACAP Curriculum
  4. Speaker name and credentials (Highest academic degree and certification(s), professional title, and employer)
  5. Confirmation that the speaker is confirmed
  6. Description of the program – Intro on program outline