This is an excerpt from an article first published on the Better Health While Aging website. Read the full article here.

Most older adults don’t need much help from others.

In fact, many of them are quite busy assisting others and otherwise contributing to their families, communities, and/or workplaces.

But of course, many older people eventually do need some help from others, especially if they live into their 80s, 90s, or beyond. After all, only a minority of people transition from being fully independent to deceased, with no intervening period of needing assistance.

When an older person does start to need help, it tends to be close family members — assuming the person has family —  that step in: spouses, adult children, siblings, nephews or nieces, grandchildren, and so forth. In fact, family members are by far the number one source of “long-term care supports and services” for older adults.

Read the full article here.