This is an excerpt from a Next Avenue article. Read the full article here.

One of the hardest parts about aging is preparing for it. That’s why most of us haven’t.

If you were to ask around, one out of three of us don’t even know who would take care of us should we need it — or have any sort of advance directive.

It’s understandable. These tasks can be difficult, daunting and emotional. Many of us put it off until it’s too late.

Still, every day is a new opportunity to change that, and that’s why we’re here. We’ve put together step-by-step instructions to get that plan in place for the coming years and decades of your life.

The first step: Sign up for our email course, Assemble Your Team. For seven days, we’ll break down the task of preparing for aging into smaller, more manageable parts. And once that’s done, we’ve got even more to help you.

Ready to get started? Let’s go!

Read the full article here.