Signs of Common Medical Conditions in Aging Adults

We are all living longer, and, as we age, we are more likely to experience one or more significant health and medical conditions. Additionally, caregiving can take a toll on the health and wellbeing of the caregiver. Some conditions are more prevalent as we age – for example, some types of cancer, diabetes, cardiac and pulmonary issues, strokes, as well as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other neurological conditions.

Signs of Common Medical Conditions in Aging Adults

Doors open at 5:00pm  •  Program begins at 5:30pm

This program will help participants to understand the most prevalent conditions associated with aging, to recognize risk factors and typical symptoms, as well as offer strategies for adult-children who are helping manage health and medical conditions of their parents while also addressing their own health concerns.

Note: This program is not intended to provide individual diagnostic or treatment information. Rather, it is to help guide adult-children and other caregivers on health issues of which to be aware.


Program Presenter: Melissa Black, M.D. and geriatrician. Founder of Empower Family Medicine in Decatur, GA

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