Preventing Falls: Helping Older Adults Stay Safe

As our parents age, they are more prone to falling for a number of reasons. Often, a fall results in significant injury requiring immediate medical attention. All too frequently, falls […]

Preventing Falls: Helping Older Adults Stay Safe

As our parents age, they are more prone to falling for a number of reasons. Often, a fall results in significant injury requiring immediate medical attention. All too frequently, falls have lasting effects, requiring longterm rehabilitation services, seriously affecting an older person’s mobility, activities of daily living, and independence. A fall may even result in permanent health issues as well as changes in mobility, balance, confidence, and independence.

The good news is that many falls are preventable. Making even slight changes to an older adult’s activities, routines, and/or making changes in the home can reduce the risk of falling and help older loved ones remain safe and more independent for longer periods of time.

This program will help adult-children understand movement and mobility challenges as loved ones age and offer specific and practical tips for preventing falls in the home and in the community.


Program Presenter: Appalachian Institute for Health & Wellness

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