Medicare and SHIIP: The Must Knows

Become a more informed advocate for your parents' health care and service coverage. This program will help participants understand Medicare and SHIIP programs that may offer benefits to aging parents and others.

Medicare and SHIIP: The Must Knows

PRESENTER: Melissa Hunt & Holli Ward

This ACAP program will help participants gain knowledge regarding: (1) Medicare eligibility requirements and services, including the purpose and service coverage of Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D; (2) how to access the federal Medicare website to complete eligibility paperwork, monitor personal/family Medicare services, download the current year’s Medicare manual, and seek answers to questions; (3) SHIIP programs and services; (4) how to access city, county, or state websites and phone numbers to complete Medicaid eligibility paperwork, determine health and medical professionals accepting Medicaid coverage, and seek answers to questions; and (5) ways to learn about and compare physicians, hospitals, nursing homes, and other medical providers via


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