Juggling Work, Home, and Caregiving

In the past 50 years, there has been a dramatic shift in the role of women, the traditional homemaker and caregiver for the family. Although almost 60% of adult women […]

Juggling Work, Home, and Caregiving

In the past 50 years, there has been a dramatic shift in the role of women, the traditional homemaker and caregiver for the family. Although almost 60% of adult women now work outside the home, typically providing a significant portion of the household income, they still provide needed caregiving for children, spouse, and aging and frail parents. Increased longevity and associated frailty often require more years of
caregiving than in the past, with increased intensity. Emotional and geographical distance within families often means that the primary caregiver provides the care alone and/or may be separated from older loved ones by miles, if not by states or nations. And trends of later births often means that the caregiver adult daughter or son is in the peak of their career. Juggling work, home, and caregiving truly is a difficult task.

This ACAP program will offer participants information about trends relative to working while also providing care for an aging parent, supportive workplace policies, and strategies for balancing the many demands of working outside the home while also caring for one’s family and older loved ones.

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