2.6 Technology – DRAFT V2

2.6 Technology

Most of the Technology Team’s activities come during the program and livestreaming. However, there are several ways that the Technology Team becomes involved prior to the chapter’s launch, interfacing with the Venue/Hospitality Team to select the best venue and the Marketing Liaison team to manage social media sites.

Pre-Launch Activities

  1. The Technology Team will work with the Venue/Hospitality Team in identifying a suitable venue for chapter programs.  The Technology Team’s role is to ensure that technology capabilities at the venue are adequate for the chapter’s needs.
  2. The Technology Team also helps set up Facebook and LinkedIn pages. The Technology Team will be point persons not only for helping manage the sites (with the Marketing Liaison Team), but the Technology Team will be the ones coordinating the chapter-level managers for the sites. In that social media managers need to have Facebook and LinkedIn pages before becoming managers for the ACAP chapter sites, the Technology Team is responsible for coordinating all information relative to the managers. 
  3. As the chapter’s launch approaches, the Technology Team will personalize the pre-program looping slide deck.  After the chapter’s launch, the Technology Team will continue updating the slide deck before each program.