2.5 Programming and Curriculum – DRAFT V2

2.5 Programming and Curriculum

ACAP Program Basics

Initial Programs (First Six Months)

Over the years, eight programs have emerged consistently as having the highest attendance. To have a successful launch and build visibility and momentum quickly, new chapter Leadership Teams are strongly encouraged to select their first six programs from the following list. (Programs do not need to be offered in any particular order.) You will find additional information about each of the programs in the Curriculum. 

Chapters will distribute a printed schedule of their initial six programs and speakers during their launch. Subsequently, chapters provide a printed schedule of upcoming programs for attendees at each program.

  1. Finding and Using Senior Services in Your Local Community (Program 1.1)
  2. Recognizing and Managing Anxiety and Depression in Older Adults (Program 1.2)
  3. Preventing Falls:  Helping Older Adults Stay Safe (Program 1.4)
  4. From Driving to Passenger:  Transitions for Older Adults (Program 2.2)
  5. Residential Options When Home No Longer Meets Your Parents’ Needs (Program 2.3)
  6. Alzheimer’s and Dementia (any of the programs in Module 3)
  7. Advance Planning: Your Parents’ Legal and Financial Documents (Program 4.1)
  8. Medicare and SHIP: The Must-Knows (Program 4.3)

Steps in Planning and Confirming Initial Programs

Planning ACAP programs is a bit like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. There are lots of people involved and multiple factors to consider. The following is the basic framework for putting together programs, including determining the program, securing presenters, engaging sponsors, and confirming fee payment. The entire process involves the Programming Team, Sponsorship Team, and Chapter Finance Team.

  1. With input from the Leadership Team, determine the six programs you prefer to offer for your initial months.
  2. Identify presenters for each.
  3. Send the Program Presenter packet, making sure you receive a signed Presenter Authorization Form from each speaker.
  4. Finalize speakers and schedule of first six programs.
    • You may need to be patient. Coordinating six presenters’ schedules can be challenging!
  5. Complete the Program Submission Form for each program.
    • https://www.acapcommunity.org/events/community/list
    • Once on the site, you will need to use your chapter’s login information to access your chapter’s registration list.  Your Chapter Coordinator has your chapter’s individual login information.
    • Once completely in the Program Submission Form, look in the upper left corner and find the “My Events” and the “Add New” button.  Click “Add New” button to go to the Program Submission Form.
  6. After all six programs are finalized, share the schedule with the Sponsorship Team so they may secure Program Sponsors for each program.
    • Often, sponsors will want to sponsor programs that are aligned with their business, agency, or organization.
    • Send the sponsorship packet.
  7. As sponsors are finalized (even if the sponsorship fee is not yet paid), the Sponsorship Team will go to the Program Submission Form (login above) and register sponsors.
  8. Finance Team will confirm receipt of sponsorship fee payment on the Program Submission Form (login above).
  9. Once all program and sponsor information is complete, your programs will be added to the website, and a 6-month schedule will be developed and printed so you may distribute it at your chapter launch, future programs, and in other places you deem appropriate.

ACAP Program Format

ACAP programs are between 60-90 minutes (total) in length and have a set format. The basic program format is:

1 Hour Before45 Minutes Before30 Minutes Before20-30 Minutes BeforeStart Time
LT and sponsors arrive to set upBegin pre-program slides; sponsors set up display table; refreshments are set outAttendees begin to arrivePresenter arrivesProgram begins on time
First 10 Minutes of ProgramRemainder of Program (45-75 minutes total)5 Minutes Before EndEnd Time30-45 Minutes After
Welcome, announcements, and introductions, including 2-3 minute (each) sponsor presentations (See Chapter Coordinator section for details / script)Presentation, including Q&A (Speaker is given notice 5-7 minutes before end of presentation)Chapter Coordinator wraps up
Program ends on time
Program ends on timeAttendees talk with speaker and sponsors; LT cleans up

Chart – Preparing for Monthly Programs

The first six programs are considered part of your chapter’s launch; however, program management is an ongoing process that will carry you forward continuously. Before all first six programs are held, you will begin planning for additional programs for the remainder of the year. The activities in this chart will guide your program planning activities as long as your chapter is active.