2.3.8 Venue and Hospitality Team – DRAFT V2

2.3.8 Venue/Hospitality Team

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The Venue/Hospitality Team takes the lead on identifying the venue, makes sure all details related to the venue are ready for programs, and ensures that participants are welcomed, registered, and provided with pertinent materials. 

Venue/Hospitality Team Overview

The role of the Venue/Hospitality Team is to:

  • Coordinate the selection of the chapter’s venue per ACAP guidelines, involving the Technology Team to ensure appropriate technology capabilities
  • Ensure all details (materials, set up, directional/outdoor signage, facility, etc.) are ready for in-person programs, including outdoor signs being placed and, after the program, removed
  • Coordinate registration table and greeters for in-person programs
  • Collect contact information for new/prospective attendees, providing the information to ACAPcommunity digital marketing team for inclusion on databases
  • Informally welcome and engage in-person attendees, learning about them and their caregiving situation
  • Provide for storage of materials between programs
  • Ensure the chapter is covered by liability insurance

Primary Tasks

  1. Using ACAP recommendations, take the lead to identify and finalize the chapter program venue, involving the Technology Team to ensure needed technology capabilities. 
  2. Serve as the chapter liaison with the venue staff.
  3. Attend each program, and coordinate registration, greeters, outdoor signage, and materials for each program. 
  4. Access registration list via online RSVP to develop a printed list for onsite check-in (https://www.acapcommunity.org/events/community/list  + chapter login).
  5. Arrive at venue 1 hour before the program begins and coordinate after-program clean up.
  6. Make sure participant tables and chairs, podium/table for speaker/laptop, registration table, sponsor display tables, outdoor signs, banner, materials, pens, participant name tags, etc. are ready and temperature is regulated 1 hour before program begins. See Items Needed at Programs for details to ensure success.
  7. If sponsors are not providing refreshments, coordinate purchase and details regarding refreshments.   
  8. Confirm monthly availability of venue, notifying Leadership Team if the program needs to be moved, temporarily or permanently.
  9. Post signs on venue door(s) if the program is postponed, cancelled, or moved.
  10. Initiate payments of venue fee.
  11. Coordinate liability insurance for the chapter.  If liability insurance is needed, please contact ACAPcommunity for details.

Selecting Your Program Venue

One of the most critical decisions your chapter will make, and one that will affect the future of your chapter, is where to hold your programs. The venue will either facilitate attendance or hamper it, depending on the location and community image of the facility.   

ACAP programs are designed to provide information, resources, support, and community for adult-child caregivers and others. The venue must be conducive to the mission. As your Leadership Team decides on the venue for your ACAP programs, there is much to consider. 

Carefully review these documents to help ensure success in locating the ideal venue for ACAP programs:

Accessing Program Registration List

In that the Venue/Hospitality Team conducts the onsite registration and coordinates welcoming of attendees before each program, you will want to access the registration list to follow up with people who may have been invited but have not yet registered. In addition, you will want to prepare a printed list of registrants for the program. 

To access the registration list as well as to download it, go to https://www.acapcommunity.org/events/community/list and enter your chapter login. 

Chapter Program Registration List

While pre-registration is not necessary for attending an ACAP program, pre-registration allows better estimates for attendance relative to presenter handouts and sponsor displays as well as refreshments. The list is compiled as attendees pre-register, either by phone, email or online. Noting roles on the list (Leadership Team, Facilitator, Sponsor, Speaker) helps maintain accurate records that later will be reported to ACAPcommunity. Capturing names of all attendees (including walk-ins) will help ensure they are on the email list and may receive email invitations for future programs. And, noting the number that actually attend the program – example, whether one or both members of the pre-registered couple attend – helps ensure accurate attendance records.

ACAP Program Regular Attendees as Greeters and Registration

For initial programs, Leadership Team members will provide all registration and greeting functions; however, as a regular group of attendees emerges, chapters are encouraged to involve them to help as greeters and/or registration “staff.”  The Venue/Hospitality Team will coordinate the greeters and registration “staff” for each program, but involving ACAP attendees deepens their engagement with the chapter, prompts them to help publicize programs, and frees the Leadership Team to do other activities during the program or to begin rotating responsibility for program attendance.

Liability Insurance

Sadly, we now live in a time when liability insurance coverage is a must. Your venue may provide the insurance for outside groups, but it may not. Before making final decisions about a facility, be sure you are aware of any requirement about liability insurance. If your chapter needs to purchase the insurance, you may contract with a service provider in your area, or you may contact ACAPcommunity for assistance.