Program Sponsorship Pre-Event Follow-Up – DRAFT V2 Program Sponsorship Pre-Event Follow-Up

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Meghan,  Susan, Mark, and Char,

I am delighted ALP and Home Instead are sponsors for the March ACAP and pleased to have the opportunity to feature your two wonderful organizations! Thank you so very much for your continued support of ACAP!

Even though you are experienced ACAP sponsors, in that next Tuesday (March 13) is quickly approaching, I want to make sure you have all the information you need. 

  1. As you know, we like to offer attendees light refreshments (chips, Chex Mix, store-bought cookies, etc. and cool bottled water). In that sponsors share in providing refreshments for attendees, I’ll appreciate your being in touch with each other to organize who will bring what item / items. Along with your refreshments, please bring everything needed – serving bowls, platters, utensils (tongs, spoons, etc.), paper goods, etc. And please bring bottled water already cooled. Just so I’m sure this detail is taken care of, I’ll appreciate your letting me know that refreshments are arranged. 
  2. At this point, I anticipate attendance of 25-30. If there is a significant change to this number, I’ll email you Monday. Another program reminder will be going out Sunday night, and I believe the newspapers are just getting out the news release. Knowing that the topic is dementia, I will be surprised if there are not 30 or more, but I’ll give you a more definitive number on Monday.
  3. In order to have time to set up, I ask sponsors to be at Mt. Olive’s Fellowship Hall, the ACAP venue, by 4:30 the day of the program. Both organizations will have an 8’ table for a display, and there will be another table for the refreshments. Feel free to bring a table covering for your display table and, if you wish, a way to capture contact information for those who would like follow-up.
  4. I think you all know where Mt. Olive and the Fellowship Hall are, but if you need directions, just let me know. Feel free to park under the portico for unloading, if you wish, and then pull your car to the adjacent parking lot.
  5. You’ll have the opportunity to talk with attendees before and after the program. In addition, you will be introduced during the Announcements segment of the program and asked to share your organization to the entire group for 2 minutes. 
  6. I know I have cell numbers for Susan and Mark, but I’m not sure that I have numbers for Meghan nor Char.  In case there is any last-minute change, I like to have a way to contact everyone involved with an ACAP program. So, if you don’t mind sharing your cell number, Meghan and Char, I’ll greatly appreciate it.

If you have any questions prior to the program, please let me know. You may reach me at 828-443-5232. Many thanks to each of you for all you do for our area and for your wonderful support of ACAP!  I am grateful for your involvement and know ACAP could not exist without the support of people like you and organizations like yours.  Thank you!