Sample Letter – Program Sponsorship Details – DRAFT V2 Sample Letter – Program Sponsorship Details

Download and customize for your chapter.

Thank you for being an ACAP ____________ sponsor!  We are grateful for your support and are delighted to feature you in ACAP ___________ publicity and at the program.

Although you may already know all about sponsorship, we want to be sure you have all the details.  If you have any questions or last-minute changes, please feel free to give me a call or text me at xxx-xxx-xxxx

ACAP [chapter name] programs are held in the [name and address of venue location]. To reach the [venue name] from [one or more directions, such as north, south, or widely-known landmark], turn onto [name of highway, street, etc.].  Drive a short distance and look for the [building, landmark, or whatever makes sense for the area] and parking lot.  Enter the [name of building] via the door [location]. ACAP meets in the large room [give building part, such as lower level, room #, section of the building, etc. Provide precise directions for attendees.]

We ask sponsors to arrive at [location name] at [time; example: 4:30] the day of the program to have sufficient time to set up. 

Sponsors are asked to share in providing light refreshments for attendees and to bring everything that will be needed. Feel free to offer whatever you’d like, but light refreshments are all we ask. Refreshments like Chex Mix, popcorn, chips, cookies, etc. and cool bottled water are fine. However, we do ask that you bring everything needed – napkins, plates, forks / spoons, serving tray / bowl, serving utensils, etc. – whatever is needed to serve and enjoy your refreshments.  There is an ice machine in the kitchen, but it really helps to have bottled water cooled before coming. (And we make coffee at the [location] for anyone who would like something hot.)

Note:  We typically have 2-3 sponsors per program, so we ask all sponsors to share in providing refreshments. 
To coordinate who is bringing what, we ask sponsors to be in touch with each other to coordinate munchies and beverages.  And, just to make sure everything is ready, I also ask that sponsors let me know what they are planning to bring.

Although we never know attendance until closer to the date, we typically have 25-35 or 40 at each program.  By Friday preceding the ACAP program, we will let you know the anticipated attendance so you may make plans about refreshments and display materials. If, for whatever reason, there are fewer than 10 attendees at the program (excluding speakers, sponsors, and facilitators), your business/organization may sponsor a future program (within 12 months of your original sponsorship) at no additional cost. You may select the month convenient for you, provided (1) no more than two other organizations already have committed to sponsorships for the month and (2) you inform Frances Hall, ACAPcommunity, of your interest in the complimentary sponsorship within seven days of your original sponsorship.

Since sponsors are excellent resources for attendees, you are asked to set up a display table at your sponsored ACAP.  We encourage attendees to talk with sponsors before and after the program. Feel free to capture contact information of attendees who request follow-up.  (We will not provide names of attendees nor contact information.) 

Sponsors will be introduced to the group and invited to make a 2-minute presentation of your organization during the Welcome, Announcements, and Introductions segment of the ACAP program.

One 8′ table will be provided for each sponsor’s display, and one 8′ table will be provided for the refreshment table. Feel free to bring your organization’s tablecloth and/or runner.

The format of ACAP [chapter] programs is:   [sample time]

5:00-5:30              Registration

5:30-5:45              Welcome, announcements, and introductions

5:45-6:30              Presentation

6:30-7:00              Q&A

7:00                        Wrap-up and dismissal

If your business / organization will not be able to be represented at the ACAP program, please let me know as soon as possible.

We are truly grateful for the wonderful service you provide older adults and their caregivers in our area and for your support of ACAP.  If you have any questions about ACAP [chapter] sponsorship, please feel free to let me know.


Frances S. Hall
