2.3.4 Marketing Liaison Team – DRAFT V2

2.3.4 Marketing Liaison Team

Print detailed Marketing Liaison Team role description.

Marketing Liaison Team Overview

Responsibility for ACAP chapter marketing is twofold. Most of the digital marketing (web, email, social media) is initiated by ACAPcommunity’s Digital Marketing Team.  In addition, the chapter, especially the Marketing Liaison Team, can be enormously helpful in sharing information about the chapter and its upcoming programs.

The Marketing Liaison Team is responsible for “boots on the ground” local visibility of the chapter and programs.

  • Identify and engage community organizations to help promote and publicize the local chapter’s programs
  • Manage local distribution of printed and electronic marketing materials (program flyers, rack cards, etc.) via networks and other opportunities not covered by ACAPcommunity Digital Marketing
  • Identify materials needed for expanding local visibility for the chapter
  • Coordinate involvement with local resource fairs, presentations, and other opportunities to further chapter’s local visibility and recognition (ex: newspaper/radio/television interviews, Rotary presentations, HR office meetings, hospital discharge packets, etc.)
  • Oversee local use of ACAP logo and materials
  • Coordinate chapter staffing at relevant health fairs, etc.
  • Continually look for new opportunities to publicize the chapter in the community  
  • Initiate new chapter-related social media posts weekly / bi-weekly (Facebook and LinkedIn)
  • Serve as photographer at all programs
  • Repost previous chapter-related posts on Facebook and LinkedIn weekly
  • Each week, initiate new information or repost information on chapter’s Facebook and LinkedIn channels
  • Continually increase the chapter’s email lists by adding new media and other organization contacts to the Media and Organization Contacts for ACAP Chapters


Marketing Liaison Team Supports

There are various ways the Marketing Liaison Team may help with publicizing chapter programs:

Email Marketing

There are three “audiences” to receive emails about your chapter programs: (1) Program attendees and potential attendees, (2) media partners, and (3) Organizations (businesses, agencies, other organizations, faith communities, etc.).  All emails are tagged as to chapter and audience so each group receives appropriate emails. The Marketing Liaison Team coordinates and continually updates all email audiences, especially the media and organization lists. Additional information may be found in Components and Cadence (below).

Print-ready program flyer

These flyers can be printed and posted in places where they may be seen by potential attendees. The digital version of the flyer can also be sent as an attachment to personal email messages or added as an image on a social media post. The Marketing Liaison Team is primary in coordinating the distribution of printed flyers. All Leadership Team members share digital versions with their networks.

Facebook and LinkedIn Event Posting

Chapters’ Facebook and LinkedIn pages will have a post created for each upcoming program. These events should be shared across individuals’ personal Facebook or LinkedIn page to grow their potential audience and encourage attendance. Chapter Coordinators and Marketing Liaison Teams are administrators for the pages and should repost weekly and/or create new content each week for the pages.

Photo, Video, Audio Release Form

The Marketing Liaison Team serves as the photographer/videographer at chapter programs and coordinates collecting “testimonials” from attendees. Before using participants’ photos, videos, or audio, an ACAP release form is necessary. 


Digital Marketing Supports

The ACAPcommunity Digital Marketing Team provides a variety of supports for chapters. The list includes:

  • Chapter web page
  • Program publicity
    • Email marketing
    • Event website posting with RSVP
    • Print-ready program flyer
    • Facebook and LinkedIn event posting
    • Press releases
  • Livestreaming/recording platform and social media integration

The entire list of supports may be viewed in the Resources folder under Digital Marketing Supports.


Components and Cadence of ACAP Program Publicity

The ACAPcommunity Digital Marketing Team develops and sends all digital marketing for chapters. In addition to digital marketing, chapter Leadership Team members are encouraged to:

  • Continually identify and update new prospective attendees and other stakeholders listed below
  • Forward emails and flyers to personal and professional networks
  • Like and follow all chapter social media
  • Share social media posts with your personal and professional networks
  • Initiate new chapter-related posts to your Facebook and LinkedIn pages

Click this link to see full details for Components and Cadence of ACAP Program Publicity.