1.5 ACAP History and Impact – DRAFT V2

1.5 ACAP History and Impact

1.5.1 Demographic and Impact Survey Results

In 2013, ACAPcommunity conducted its first Demographic and Impact Survey. The survey continued annually through 2017 and is expected to be conducted again in 2024. Results from the 2017 survey are available here.

1.5.2 The Case for ACAP

The Case for ACAP provides highlights from two national-level reports: (1) “Caregiving in the US: 2020 Report”, conducted by AARP Family Caregiving and the National Alliance for Caregiving; and (2) “Women’s Labor Force Participation (2019)”, conducted by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. This document states the scope of unpaid caregiving in the US, explains the unique relationship between adult-children and their parents, and provides statistical evidence for why ACAP is so important to caregivers for older adults in local communities.

1.5.3 ACAP History and Benchmarks

ACAP History and Benchmarks showcases milestone events for ACAP, from its inception in 2009 to the current year. Learn where we came from – and where we’re headed.