01. Welcome – DRAFT V2


To the Amazing, Compassionate, Dedicated, Enthusiastic, Insightful, Inspiring, Knowledgeable, and Thoughtful YOU …

ACAP simply could not exist without YOU and other chapter Leadership Team members!  Thank you for recognizing and understanding the hearts and challenges of those caring for older adult loved ones.  Thank you for being willing to become involved in providing meaningful support for caregivers in your community. Thank you for helping shape your local ACAP chapter and for helping ACAPcommunity become stronger.  


Hopefully, your involvement with ACAP will be meaningful for you as well as the many lives you touch.  Please know that ACAP is collaborative externally, within your community, as well as internally, within the organization.  Chapter Leadership Teams, the ACAPcommunity Board of Directors, and ACAPcommunity Core Team work together to strengthen the organization at the local chapter level as well as the corporate level.  Your insights, suggestions, questions, and concerns are always welcome.  

For the many ways you make a difference in our world as well as the “world” of ACAP and those we serve, thank you!


Frances S. Hall

Founder and Executive Director
