3.5 Established Chapter Programming – DRAFT V2

3.5 Established Chapter Programming

The ACAP curriculum reflects a set of core issues experienced by most adults caring for older adult loved ones and reports of the education and training topics caregivers list as most needed. Monthly programs, based on the ACAP Curriculum, are the core of ACAP and ACAP chapters. Each year, chapters offer 12 programs, two from each module in the Curriculum. 

ACAP Curriculum

The original ACAP Curriculum was developed in 2013. In 2022-2023, the Curriculum underwent an extensive review and update, with guidance from a group of terminal degree gerontology academicians and practitioners, ensuring the Curriculum offers programs through which attendees may receive meaningful information. In addition, programmatic gaps were identified so a stronger curriculum may be developed in time for determining 2024 ACAP chapter programs, and program titles were modified to heighten search engine optimization (SEO).

Plans call for the ACAP Curriculum to be reviewed and updated, considering new research, every five years.

Chapter Program Options

The ACAP Curriculum provides the framework for all ACAP programs. However, from time to time, there are issues or concerns related to caregiving for an older adult loved one that are pressing and/or specific to a community and would be meaningful to offer as an ACAP program. Therefore:

  1. Chapters that have completed their first year as a chapter may offer one (1) custom program during their second year, as long as:
    • The program is aligned with one of the Modules in the Curriculum
    • Will complete the chapter’s offering two (2) programs per module during the year
    • Prior authorization is given in writing by ACAPcommunity. Approval will be based on the submission of a program outline that follows the format in the Curriculum.
    • All information about the program is submitted to ACAPcommunity Digital Marketing via the Program Submission Form and in a timely manner.
  2. Chapters that have completed two or more years may offer up to two (2) programs during a year as long as:
    • The programs are aligned with one of the modules in the Curriculum.
    • Will complete the chapter’s offering two (2) programs per Module during the year.
    • Prior authorization is given in writing by ACAPcommunity. Approval will be based on the submission of a program outline that follows the format in the Curriculum.
    • All information about the program is submitted to ACAPcommunity Digital Marketing via the Program Submission Form and in a timely manner.

Additional Program Option Considerations

  1. For one of the “substitute” programs, chapters may offer a mini resource fair, engaging multiple local senior services businesses, agencies, and organizations. In so doing, attendees become aware of more area resources, and the organizations have additional opportunity to connect with those they serve. The resource fair may be held separately or in conjunction with a chapter program or presentation.
  2. During their 3rd-5th year, chapters are encouraged to consider offering a one-day conference to engage additional caregivers and professionals. For a variety of reasons, some prefer a longer, one-day format over the shorter, monthly format of programs.

ACAPcommunity Symposium

Beginning in 2020, prompted by COVID-19, ACAPcommunity and chapters collaborated to offer a virtual annual symposium. While the symposia had great success as meaningful events for caregivers and professionals across the US, Canada, and Great Britain, the decision was made to defer offering the program in 2023. However, plans are for it to resume in 2024. 

Please stay tuned for details about the 2024 ACAP Caregiver Symposium and how chapters may be involved.