3.4 Established Chapter Technology – DRAFT V2

3.4 Established Chapter Technology

Established chapters have gained a wealth of knowledge about working with technology. Whether it is hosting a program with StreamYard, posting to social media sites, or setting up your venue to livestream your program, you can offer advice to your newer colleagues.

In addition, everyone can benefit from technology experts who share their knowledge online – especially those who have garnered millions (YES, that’s millions!) of subscribers on their YouTube channels. These influencers understand what it means to walk a mile in your shoes, and many of them offer practical advice on easy ways to work with technology!

ACAPcommunity urges all chapter Leadership Teams to invest snippets of time in learning the technology platforms ACAP uses. A few of the ways we can learn include:

  • Learn to use the Program Submission Form to input and output information to run your monthly programs smoothly.
  • Join the ACAP Chapter Coordinators Facebook group for interactive discussion among Chapter Coordinators. Ask questions, provide answers, and encourage engagement.
  • Learn to engage our in-person and virtual audiences by gaining skills with hosting or moderating livestreamed or recorded monthly programs.

Program Submission Form

In summer 2023, the Program Submission Form replaced the Monthly Program Grid (spreadsheet) as the mechanism to upload information about your scheduled monthly programs. The form offers several benefits:

  • A permanent link where everyone can bookmark and access the form easily
  • Defined fields for entering information about your monthly programs
    • Fields to upload and confirm program titles, descriptions, speakers, sponsor commitment and payment, logos, etc.
  • Triggers for digital marketing to develop and distribute program publicity
  • RSVP system that allows chapters to view, export, and print attendance lists

The Program Submission Form is used primarily by chapter Programming, Finance, and Sponsorship Teams.

ACAP Chapter Coordinators Facebook Group

All Chapter Coordinators are encouraged to join the ACAP Chapter Coordinators Facebook Group. This space is used for Chapter Coordinators to discuss all aspects of leading their community chapters. After joining, any member can create a post, respond to someone else’s post, or simply “lurk” to learn more about how to manage a chapter. To join the group, our administrators need your personal Facebook ID.

Hosting and Moderating ACAP Programs (Virtual, Hybrid, and In-Person)

The first task for every host or moderator of an ACAP program (in any delivery format) is to engage our audience! To ensure we do the best job possible, ACAPcommunity is currently developing training on how to host or moderate ACAP programs. Regardless of your past experience, everyone can enhance their skills!

This training is being developed by a former Fortune 500 training specialist and instructional designer, responsible for train-the-trainer activities. Stay tuned for this important training in late 2023.