3.2 Established Chapter Overview – DRAFT V2

3.2 Established Chapter Overview

This Chapter Guide contains details for not only beginning an ACAP chapter but also tips for maintaining, growing, and strengthening a chapter. Although your chapter began some time ago, you may find some of the information helpful, particularly as new members join your Leadership Team. Information in Sections 2-5 will be particularly relevant for mature chapters:

Section 2 – Pre-Launch contains the list of Leadership Team Roles and details related to each role.

Section 3 – Launch and Beyond offers details about sustaining a chapter, including marketing, programming, and technology details for mature chapters. You will be familiar with some of the information, but additional insight, tips, and guidelines have been added.

Section 4 Resources contains materials chapters use regularly including:

  • Core, Chapter, and Program Sponsorship and Presenter packets
  • Reports – A schedule of reports chapters provide ACAPcommunity on a quarterly and annual basis
  • Charts related to planning and conducting programs, including activities, timelines, materials needed at programs, and the Leadership Team role that is responsible for each step
  • Digital marketing details, including a list of components and cadence
  • Expenses chapters may anticipate, details regarding sponsorships and fundraising, an invoice template, and copy of the W-9
  • Frequently asked questions, a new compilation of information
  • Leadership Team Commitment form, needed from each Leadership Team member throughout the life of your chapter
  • Links for accessing the ACAP portal, providing program information via the Program Submission Form, adding media and organization contacts, and determining registrants for your programs
  • Photo release form
  • Policies relative to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as well as Sales and Promotions
  • Resources for identifying speakers, sponsors, publicity partners, and Leadership Team members
  • And lots of other information

Section 5 – ACAP Curriculum contains the entire curriculum, including outlines for each program.

Bottom line, ACAP continues to evolve as we grow. Your insight as a chapter Leadership Team member is vital.  When a question arises or you have a suggestion for doing something better, please know that your thoughts, questions, suggestions, and input will be extremely welcome.