
1.2 Overview of Leadership Team Roles

Download/Print the Leadership Team Roles.

The ACAP model has proven to work well in great part because of the dedicated and capable volunteers involved with chapter Leadership Teams. Myriad details are involved in establishing and maintaining a strong chapter and offering meaningful programs. Specific roles have been identified for the Leadership Team in order to distribute the work and minimize time demands for each member. Chapters are encouraged to have two leadership team members per role. 

Chapter Coordinators – Oversee all administrative “pieces” of the chapter and chapter programming and serve as the liaison between the chapter and ACAPcommunity: 

  • Identify and secure leadership team members
  • Coordinate and conduct regularly scheduled Leadership Team meetings, ensuring that minutes/notes are recorded and distributed to all
  • Ensure reports and programming updates are provided to ACAPcommunity in a timely manner
  • Facilitate/emcee monthly ACAP programs
  • Maintain chapter historical documents (i.e., Leadership Team members, benchmarks, etc.)
  • Ensure adherence to guidelines and spirit of the ACAP model
  • Serve as the “face” of the local chapter, furthering chapter visibility in the community
  • Serve as ex officio member on the ACAPcommunity Board of Directors
  • Serve on the annual Symposium Planning Team
  • Oversee Leadership Team succession plan and training of new members
  • Attend monthly Chapter Coordinators’ meetings and provide input to ACAPcommunity, helping strengthen the chapter and organization as a whole

Chapter Finance Team – Maintain chapter finances:

  • Establish and maintain chapter budgets and financial accounts
  • Oversee chapter financial transactions
  • Update Program Submission Form relative to sponsorship payments
  • Provide quarterly and annual financial reports via QuickBooks to ACAPcommunity
  • Ensure adherence to best practices and ACAP guidelines related to finances

Marketing Liaison Team – Work with the ACAPcommunity digital marketing team to maximize visibility for the chapter and programs:

  • Engage community organizations to help promote and publicize the local chapter’s programs
  • Using prescribed templates, print and coordinate local distribution of printed materials (program flyers, rack cards, invitations, etc.) to promote the chapter and its programs
  • Oversee local use of ACAP logo and materials
  • Coordinate chapter staffing at relevant health fairs, etc.
  • Continually look for new opportunities for publicizing the chapter in the community  
  • Initiate new chapter-related social media posts weekly / bi-weekly (Facebook and LinkedIn)
  • Repost previous chapter-related posts on Facebook and LinkedIn weekly

Programming Team – Coordinate monthly program topics and presenters, using ACAP curriculum as a framework:

  • Lead efforts relative to chapter programs
  • Identify and secure monthly program presenters and provide them with pertinent information
  • Update Program Submission Form with program and presenter information
  • Share program speaker details in a timely manner with Leadership Team
  • Provide pertinent information to program speakers (ex: appropriate program outline, venue/program details, anticipated attendance, etc.) and post-program “thank you” note
  • Secure program speaker authorization regarding presentation on digital platforms

Sponsorship Team – Ensure adequate funding for the chapter via securing Core, Chapter, Program, and Symposium sponsorships:

  • Identify and secure all sponsors and maintain annual sponsorship database
  • Update Program Submission Form with sponsor information and cancellations
  • Share sponsorship details in a timely manner with Leadership Team
  • Provide pertinent information to sponsors (ex: venue/program details, anticipated attendance, etc.) and post-program “thank you” note

Technology Team – Oversee all technology for in-person and virtual programs:

  • Ensure technology is ready for virtual and hybrid program broadcasting, coordinating and overseeing its use during chapter programs
  • Develop/update pre-program slide deck and/or video
  • Ensure program speakers are comfortable with broadcast technology relative to presentation, slides/videos, etc.
  • Monitor/manage chats during programs and engage online viewers

Venue/Hospitality Team – Ensure all details related to the venue are ready for programs and coordinate welcoming of participants:

  • Coordinate the selection of the chapter’s venue per ACAP guidelines
  • Ensure all details (materials, set up, directional/outdoor signage, facility, etc.) are ready for in-person programs
  • Coordinate registration table and volunteers for in-person programs
  • Collect contact information for new/prospective attendees, providing the information to ACAPcommunity digital marketing team for inclusion on databases
  • Informally welcome and engage in-person attendees, learning about them and their caregiving situation